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Awka - Future Plans
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread...
Listed in (current) order of priority :-
- Continue eliminating bugs. If you find one, make sure you report it
as maybe no-one else will!
- Improvements to library performance, based on real usage as reported
by users. If you find your code is running slower than Mawk/Gawk,
why not forward an example to me. I have no idea how fast Awka is
compared to Tawk.
The Comparisons page was created to
provide some measurement of relative performance - any contributions
to this would be most welcome.
- Warning messages that help you track down common bugs in writing large
AWK programs, such as the dreaded variable-name typo. The first few messages
are there and go a long way towards helping with this, but there are more to
be done.
- More efficient, complete and elegant C language generation, including
nice things like generation of commented code, and preservation of
AWK program comments.
Andrew Sumner - (
visitors since I added this counter.